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Wednesday, 17 February 2021
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do you want only "hdtv" in the sense of the "[[tvshowname]]" scene tv rips that are released after airing on tv? or would you want the same-quality (possibly higher) 720p bluray rips? if you would 'settle' for the latter, i have 720p bluray episodes of parks and rec, for the seasons that were released on bluray (starting with season 4 i think, so seasons 4-6). i have dvdrips for the earlier non-bluray seasons (not 720p, but still are fine on big screen tvs), and i have the rips for the final season 7 which just aired (except for a few episodes which are high quality webrips for the 'extended' episodes). let me know if you'd like any of these, and i'll up them to mega. other recommended series: community, 30 rock, unbreakable kimmy schmidt, silicon valley, and of course, the office (both us and uk).

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Notre monde sera mieux si on fait les efforts de ne pas juger et d'être tolérants. 5. Nous sommes en pleine crise du narcissisme: le monde du travail nous rabaisse en nous faisant nous sentir remplaçables, alors que le monde du divertissement nous flatte et nous fait nous sentir uniques. Je ne suis pas d'accord. Si on prend l'exemple des réseaux sociaux qui sont une partie du monde du divertissement, on peut se rendre compte très vite que chacun peut retrouver une place parmi un gratin de société et peut également la perdre très vite. 6. Le minimalisme est une preuve de maturité culturelle. En tant qu'amateur de math, c'est un piège. La maturité culturelle peut nous donner envie de minimaliser, mais pas au contraire. 7. Il existe des jeux vidéo, des films et des livres qui rendent intelligents, tandis que d'autres rendent stupides. C'est possible de voir des avantages même dans des films plus anodins. Vous, en tant qu'un individu, pouvez prendre ce que vous voulez. 8. Chaque concept mathématique est avant tout une découverte philosophique.

Alicia Vikander Dopo essere diventata famosissima interpretando un robot nel film 'Ex Machina' e l'esploratrice Lara Croft in 'Tomb Rider', Alicia Vikander si prepara a subire un tentativo di omicidio: sarà infatti la protagonista della serie TV antologica 'Il delitto perfetto', adattamento dell'omonimo dramma teatrale utilizzato anche da Alfred Hitchcock come fonte di ispirazione per uno dei suoi gialli più famosi. Il delitto perfetto di Alicia Vikander La trama originale racconta di un ex campione di tennis, riciclatosi commerciante di articoli sportivi: quando scopre che la ricca moglie lo tradisce con uno scrittore, decide di sbarazzarsi della consorte inscenando un delitto perfetto, che lo escluda da qualunque sospetto e gli consenta di ereditare la fortuna di lei. La nuova versione, quella con Alicia Vikander protagonista, racconterà questa vicenda privilegiando però il punto di vista della moglie (che nel film di Hitchcock aveva il volto di Grace Kelly). Vikander si occuperà anche della produzione: una posizione ricoperta solamente una volta, in precedenza, grazie al film 'Euphoria' (2017).

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O app Globosat Play também disponibiliza outros programas do canal, como Bem, Amigos!, Giro da Rodada e Baú do Esporte. DAZN é um streaming pago com jogos de futebol ao vivo no celular — Foto: Reprodução/Clara Fabro O DAZN não é um app que trata exclusivamente de futebol, mas sim uma plataforma de streaming dedicada a esportes em geral. Na aba "Todos os esportes", podem ser escolhidas outras modalidades, inclusive esports. O download do app está disponível para Android e iPhone (iOS) gratuitamente, mas o aplicativo possui conteúdo pago e exclusivo para assinantes. Na página direcionada a cada uma das modalidades, é possível ter acesso às últimas notícias em "Fique por dentro", a informações dos destaques do esporte em questão, além de saber detalhes sobre as próximas competições. Assinantes têm acesso aos jogos e competições para assistir ao vivo. Futebol ao vivo: assistir a partidas é possível pelo streaming da ESPN — Foto: Reprodução/Clara Fabro O Watch ESPN é também um app com conteúdo disponível apenas para assinantes do grupo de canais ESPN, mas o download é gratuito para Android e iPhone (iOS).

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Hell yes!! This is definitely 1 of the best series I have seen so far. There is ofcourse all the obvious characters. The guy that feels superior of everybody else, the clumsy guy, the overprotective older brother, the cute girl, The cool silent guy, the ultimate bad guy, and the bad guy that isn't all bad. And a number of other characters that are all actually quite fun. On top of that Allen Walker, our main character is absolutely brilliant. He is young, sweet and really likes to prove himself. He has a few surprising skills on the side too, which is cause for some funny scenes. Allen Walker is an excorcist. These are people with the power to destroy Akuma (the bad guys) He has been discovered by a guy from the order of excorcists called General Cross. Their teacher student relation is kinda like Jiraiya and Naruto. Although you only see small flashbacks of this during the story when certain things need explaining. Well basically this runs like most anime, the excorcists are given assignments to take care of Akuma that are sighted in certain area's.

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4 million USD in Box-office. IMDb 7. 9 / Release Date: 2001 Trailer / Director: Andrew Adamson, Vicky Jenson 8. Eddie Murphy: Raw (1987) It is a recorded live documentary of Eddie Murphy's stand up comedy. This Eddie Murphy movie has a rating of 7. 6 out of 10 on IMDb and 81% at Rotten Tomatoes. The setting is that Eddie Murphy the comedian is performing a comedy routine, where he discusses various topics mainly revolving around marriage, women and racial stereotypes. IMDb 7. 6 / Release Date: 1987 Trailer / Director: Robert Townsend 7. The Haunted Mansion (2003) In this Eddie Murphy movie, he is a workaholic realtor, Jim Evers. Upon his wife's compliant of his ignorance towards family, he plans a family trip to a mansion he is supposed to sell. Soon they realize that the mansion is haunted by ghosts of four servants. A curse on the mansion needs lifting. This fantasy movie had Box-office collections of 182. 3 million USD. IMDb 5. 0 / Release Date: 2003 Trailer / Director: Rob Minkoff 6.