Lion Film Streaming English

Wednesday, 10 February 2021
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Ver ficha en IMDb Link permanente Puntuación IMDB 7. 1 Puntuación usuarios 7. 8 12 votos Votar Título original: The Mighty () Género: Películas > Comedia / Drama Director: Peter Chelsom. Duración: 100 minutos. Resumen: Esta es la historia de dos chicos no integrados en la sociedad que parten a la busqueda de grandeza y bondad sólo para descubrir el tesoro más poderoso de todos: la amistad. Todo empieza cuando Kevin Dillon y su madre se trasladan al vecindario donde viven Maxvell Kane y sus abuelos. A pesar de sus trece años, la apariencia de Max es la de un gigante, con problemas en la escuela, falto de valor y que no encaja en ningún modelo social. Pero en su vida entrará Kevin, un pequeño con más labia, brío e inteligencia que cualquier otro chico de la ciudad. Actores: Harry Dean Stanton, Gena Rowlands, Elden Henson, Douglas Bisset, Joseph Perrino, Dov Tiefenbach, Michael Colton, Daniel Lee, Eve Crawford, Kieran Culkin, Sharon Stone, John Bourgeois, Bruce Tubbe, Rudy Webb, Ron Nigrini.

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15 December 2016 | bibo-93638 9 | A movie with a soul of its own To put it in simple words, "Lion" is a journey that grabs you entirely; whether you want it or not, you are a part of each and every scene. Exactly like the hero, you find yourself having visions of a past that you think you have forgotten, you long for something more and you dig for something deeper. This is a journey back home, filled with emotions, hard decisions, and an infinite willingness to reach somewhere safe.. Simple story, dream like sequences and real characters that are aware that "there are no white pages" but that in a way, there is always a black ink somewhere that you can use to finish the endless books that you have in your head. A gem and must see. Highly recommended for the cast's performances, the musical score and the emotional layer that refuses to let you go even after the movie had ended.

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He also gave a hat-tip to Pete Buttigieg, commending his 'character, intellect and courage, ' even though the former South Bend mayor's home state of Indiana didn't vote Tuesday night. He also went on to mention Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina. As the third most powerful Democrat in the House and the most powerful African-American lawmaker, Clyburn's endorsement of Biden on Wednesday changed the race's trajectory, as South Carolina voters cited it as a big factor in their choice. On Sunday and Monday Klobuchar and Buttigieg cleared the way for Biden to consolidate support. And he picked up the bonus endorsement of O'Rourke who's been out of the presidential race since November.

Jessica Schwarz, Uwe Ochsenknecht 6. 8 / 10 A group of kids grow up on the short, wrong (east) side of the Sonnenallee in Berlin, right next to one of the few border crossings between East and West reserved for German citizens. The... See full summary » Leander Haußmann Alexander Scheer, Alexander Beyer, Robert Stadlober Ben and Barnabas are unseparatable since they are small. The two of them, however, are no ordinary pair of brothers, for Barnabas, with his twenty-two years, remained mentally at the age of... See full summary » Frederick Lau, David Berton Christmas is approaching, and with it, the desire for harmony, beauty, light and hope. Being unable to cope with her parents' conflict, Alex (16) makes a radical decision. A day later she... See full summary » Theresa von Eltz Paula Beer, Jella Haase, Jannis Niewöhner Edit Storyline 1648. After the Thirty Years War, Germany is a wretched, plundered land, still ravished by the Black Death. Urchin Krabat gets separated from his beggar friends and finds refuge on the flourishing estate of the black miller.

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