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Saturday, 6 February 2021

Nobody denies the increased popularity of video games are at least a big part of the explanation to this phenomenon: they're one of the most important change in kid's lifestyles' of the last few decades (apart maybe the importance of social networks, which isn't totally unrelated since online video games are also just that in a way). That's why I am concerned about the way we present competitive video games to them. What follows is not a joke: I did get a mid-twenties very well educated person come up to me in a bar telling me he thought SC2 could get you in shape (EDIT: I have written testimonial from that person that he did tell this to me a couple about 6 months ago if anyone reading this doesn't believe me). If that guy has got this idea in mind, I can't even start to imagine what kids with little education regarding physical health might think when they see the label ''Esports'' everywhere, and people talking about ''Esport athletes'' the exact same way as they do in traditional sports when it comes to the videogames they play.

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Fixed a bug where female or male using the weapon art "Repeat Fire" will walk forward without any input while having the "Reversal Ring" equipped. Fixed a bug where the weapon "Preacher's Right Arm" weapon art "Feasting Branch" damage unaffected when the player does not meet the requirements of the weapon. Fixed a bug where the right hand weapon buff will be applied to the "Preacher's Right Arm" while it is equipped in the left hand and using the weapon art. Fixed a bug where the effect of "Unfaltering Prayer" remains on the player after canceling a miracle cast halfway through and immediately begin casting a sorcery. Fixed a bug where casting "Wrath of the Gods" with a catalyst equipped in the right hand will result in unintended animation lag. (Longer animation? ) Lowered the healing capability of "Projected Heal" miracle to its caster. Increased the stamina consumption of "Lightning Arrow", decreased stamina recovery while it is held by the player. Fixed a bug where "Flame Fan" can be parried.

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Hey everyone, a fellow moderator of the Dark Souls 3 Reborn Discord server 'Leila Alizarin' has translated the patch notes to be more precise since the last notes were a bit rough (we miss you Kimmundi baby, come back;c) Here's the updated patch notes: Dark Souls III Patch Note 1. 14 Fromsoft thanks everyone for following the development of the game Patches are expected to be deployed 12nd of May for platforms XB1, PS4 and PC. Main tweaks and changes: Fixed a bug where during multiplier, the first instance of the pyromancy "Seething Chaos" and sorcery "Crystal Hail" would disappear if casted twice in quick succession. During PvP, shortened the time before the player can roll during the second part of Ledo's Greathammer WA "Call to Stone". Fixed a bug where two Spears of the Church can be summoned in one session. During online play, buffed the recovery of stamina and absorption of Spear of the Church summons should the host have two or more white phantoms present. During online play, lowered the cooldown of "Divine Spear Fragment" and "Ritual Spear Fragment" for Spear of the Church should there be two or more white phantoms present.

To me and to many people, sport means physical exertion, hearth pumping faster due to large physical movement typically associated with some kind of locomotion or a variant etc. and I think it should stay that way, because of the image that has been built around it for over centuries if not millennia which should inspire kids in getting their ass off the couch/computer chair at some point and start moving. Anyway, this is just a vision I wanted to make public and so this is it. If it just gets 1 individual to think about the fact that this is a serious matter that should be considered with delicacy since it does affect the health of a lot of people, then it will have fulfilled its role. Thanks for reading, all comments welcome as long as they remain calm and constructive. EDIT: I've re-written the second paragraph of this text a couple of days after initial publishing to display better supported statistics regarding the physical health of young people in my province. The initial text related something I took from a teacher which I hadn't taken the time to verify before publishing, and since people pointed out my mistake I apologised and re-wrote it.

Weapon "Ledo's Greathammer" weapon art "Call to Stone" damage increased, shortened the time before animation cancel can take place. Weapon "Quakestone Hammer" weapon art "Quake" damage increased. Weapon "Gael's Greatsword" weapon art "Blade of Peril" follow-up R1 (RB) damage and animation cancel capability decreased. Weapon "Farron Greatsword" damage increased, stamina consumption decreased. Weapon "Darkdrift" stamina consumption decreased, increased the weapon art "Darkdrift" animation cancel capability. Weapon "Bloodlust" weapon art "Bloodlust" bleed value increased. Weapon "Astora Straight Sword" stamina consumption decreased, scaling with poison, bleed and luck increased. Weapon "Sunlight Straight Sword" strength and dexterity requirement lowered. Weapon "Aquamarine Dagger" weapon art "Crystal Blade" stamina consumption lowered. Weapon "Repeating Crossbow" damage buffed, fixed a bug where the weapon art "Repeat Fire" would not consume more stamina when the player has insufficient FP to perform it.

I know I'm tackling a rather controversial subject here. I wanted to send out a message as to contribute my opinion to the matter as someone who's been studying physical health issues for the last 8 years or so, and who is concerned by and wants to help with the health of people around him. This goes beyond SC2 only but since I'm an SC2 fan primarily and some of the examples that influenced me into this come out of it so I post it here. Where I come from (Quebec province, Canada), children and young people's cardiovascular capacity has radically declined over the course of the last 35 years, as is reflected in the study reported in this article (directly translating into: ''children's health (in Quebec, since the study was made there) is going towards a catastrophe). Since the article is in french I will translate one of the statistics gathered by the researchers: ''Compared to 1982, the average 17 year old boy has seen his VO2 max deteriorate by 19, 8%. The VO2 value they now display is the one we used to find in the average 40 years old person'' This is deeply concerning for the future generations of people's health and it is why I invest myself in writing this.

Fixed several other insignificant bugs. Server maintenance will take place before the patch is deployed. The dates have yet to be decided. After the update is finished, the app version indicator on the top left hand corner of the menu should read: App Ver 1. 14 Regulation Ver 1. 34 Also consider joining the Dark Souls 3 Reborn discord server if you want to discuss/co-op/pvp/trade and many other stuff with some members:> Screenshots in Imgur incase you dont have an account Cheers and have a good day:Praise: -Skele

I won't argue about the dexterity/mental focus thing (games like SC2 can improve your abilities when it comes down to this), but when it comes to the big health issues our century is facing (hearth failure, high blood pressure etc. ), video games are not a part of the solution right now, with a very few exceptions (games like Just Dance, Dance Dance Revolution, these kinds of games where your hearth actually will pump not because of the stress the game induces on you, but because of the physical movements you make). Around me I see schools popping ''esports programs'' left and right to attract kids to stay longer in school, which is great. But many people are just concerned about the fact they call it eSport, as to sending out a false signal to kids, and I can only agree to that. You have to be in shape for eSport, but playing eSport won't get you in shape. This is a dramatic distinction between eSport and traditional sport, but people not rightly informed may very well not make that distinction when they see the so-called eSport athletes move their mouses really fast, type on keyboard frantically etc.

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