Red Line Competicion Mortal

Friday, 29 January 2021
  1. Red line competicion mortal atul

From there she used the airship to carry Tom Natsworthy and Hester Shaw as passengers to Airhaven. With the subsequent damage to Airhaven and downing on Black Island, Anna used the Jenny Haniver to attack and sink the amphibious suburb of Tunbridge Wheels which was attacking the island at the time. From there, Anna would take Tom and Hester as passengers again and transport them to the walled city of Batmunkh Gompa, London's destination. With Anna's death at the sword of Thaddeus Valentine, Tom and Hester 'Inherited' the Jenny Haniver and intentionally used it to reach London in their own bid to shutdown MEDUSA or, at the least, allow Hester to get revenge on Valentine. When piloting the Jenny, Tom was forced to dogfight with Valentine's airship The 13th Floor Elevator which resulted in a victory for the Jenny when Tom unloaded its rocket projectors into the the gondola of the 13th Floor. Horrified at his actions, Tom wouldn't refill the projectors of the Jenny Haniver, claiming their ship would be peaceful.

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After MEDUSA's failure, Tom managed to pilot the airship far enough from the dying city to avoid being downed by the explosion. Following this, Tom and Hester headed to the air-caravansi on the Black Island seeking to get the airship repaired and then go on to travel, an idea suggested by Hester to help Tom cope with the death of his city. Two years after the MEDUSA incident, Tom and Hester had made themselves a respectable living as air traders and had traveled much of the globe. In 1009TE, when they were docked in Airhaven, Tom and Hester were hired by the 'alternative' historian Nimrod Pennyroyal back to his home on the raft city of Brighton. This went seriously awry however, an extremist faction known as the Green Storm was tipped off to the Jenny Haniver 's whereabouts and aimed to capture it for their own means. Because of Tom's refusal on weaponry, the Jenny was seriously damaged in the ensuing chase and dogfight, forcing it to land in Anchorage for repairs. Hester then took off in a repaired Haniver and was captured by the Green Storm, only for Tom to rescue her and steal the ship back.

The final flight of the Jenny Haniver would happen in this time, when ODIN fired, Tom believed it to only be firing on the cities of the Trakt ionstadtsgesellschaft and that General Naga of the Green Storm had control over the weapon. He traveled to Batmunkh Gompa to try and convince Naga not to turn the weapon on New London. With this not being the case, Naga threw Tom in a cell believing him to be a TGS agent. At Batmunkh Gompa he would meet up again for the final time with Hester and Shrike, at Shrikes' prompting they realise it must be the Stalker Fang controlling the weapon and the Jenny 's final flight is to Erzene Tezh, Anna Fangs old home believing that to be where the Stalker Fang had her uplink to ODIN. Their hypothesis was true but on their approach to the house stalker birds under Stalker Fang's command mobbed the Jenny Haniver ripping apart the envelope, destroying the engine cars sending the ship down in a ball of fire as the gas cells ruptured. The Jenny Haniver 's legacy would live on through Wren and Theo who would set themselves up as New London's principal air-traders who named their own airship the Jenny Haniver II, after the original.

The Jenny Haniver is the name of the main airship featured in the Mortal Engines Quartet. She is a small cargo airship with a crimson envelope. Originally built by Anna Fang, the Jenny would fall out of her hands and be inherited by Tom Natsworthy and Hester Shaw up until its destruction. It was followed by Jenny Haniver II. History The Jenny Haniver was initially conceived and built as a racing airship being constructed by Stilton Kael on Arkangel named the Golden Arrow. However, he had been struggling to find suitable engines for his aircraft until Anna Fang found a pair of Junet-Carot engine cars in the salvage piles while she was a thrall in the Arkangel slave holds. She notified her overseer about these engines, which, in turn, lead Kael to discovering them. Curious as to why a thrall would know what they were, he tracked down Anna and interviewed her, revealing her knowledge on airships thanks to her early life with her air-trader parents. He enlisted her in his project to build and enter a ship in the Boreal Regatta.