Riverdale Episode 20

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Riverdale season 3 episode 20 recap

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However, when production does start on season five, the handful of episodes from the fourth outing will be shot as well. These outstanding episodes will become part of season five and feed into the new series. of The CW drama Sadly, there's no release date for episode 20 but at least some of the footage has been filmed and it will be a case of finishing it off. The remaining instalments featured some big American high school moments, such as senior prom and graduations. Aguirre-Sacasa said these episodes were "big" and "emotional" moments which the producers wanted to see play out. He said: "After being with the kids at the high school for four years, you kind of don't want to take graduation away from them. "So what we're doing is picking up right where we left off for the first three episodes. " Season five will also tackle the core four heading off to college and going in separate directions. Riverdale season 4 is streaming on Netflix now

Riverdale episode 20 ans

He's already been pummeled a lot! ) In fact, she won't sign a parental permission slip to let him enter a boxing tournament, so he forges her signature so he can enter it anyway. Then she sets him up with a Navy recruiter who might be able to offer him a boxing scholarship, and who sets up a match for him on the same day as the tournament. It's like one of those Three's Company episodes where Jack had two dates on the same night, only with double the brain damage. On top of all that, Archie has to lose weight to qualify for the tournament, so he starves himself all week and loses a bruising tournament fight before going to meet the Navy recruiter… and promptly collapses in the ring. Mary chides him for pushing himself too hard, but agrees to help him pursue his boxing dreams. Plus, Archie and Veronica might be rekindling things: He asks her to prom as friends, though no one in town believes that's all they are. They have a common enemy again, too. Veronica tells Archie that Hiram lied to her when he agreed to sell her Pop's, handing her a fake deed — and she wants his help in bringing her dad down, once and for all.

Hmmm… sounds like Edgar, right? Betty thinks so, too, and barges in on a ceremony at The Farm, accusing Edgar of being the Gargoyle King. She demands that he take his shirt off — she's not the first woman to demand that, we're betting — and when he does, he reveals a ridiculously chiseled torso… but no back tattoo. Huh. There goes that theory. Jughead's "gospel" reveals another clue: If the Gryphon Queen declares her loyalty to the King at a big bacchanal, he will show up. So he and Betty devise a plan to get Betty named prom queen — with a new G&G-inspired medieval theme — to lure the King to the dance so they can catch him. Betty rigs the prom queen vote so she'll definitely win, and sure enough, at the prom, a masked stranger hands her a note: The Gargoyle King wants her to return to the site of the Midnight Club's original Ascension Night… alone. Betty walks the halls of Riverdale High — just like her mom Alice did that fateful night in the '90s — and finds a restroom with "Flip For Your Fate" written all over the walls, and a pair of chalices waiting for her.

Riverdale episode 20 mai

He went on to say: "And then I saw the cut of episode 19, which I loved. The fun thing about [Episode] 19 is all of the kids are in the story together, which is very rare for us. "It had a really fun conceit that made it feel special, which is the story that Jughead is writing. And it had a really shocking, gruesome cliffhanger, which really took the videotape mystery to the next level. "So I thought, 'You know what? Since we are cutting the season short, maybe the best thing to do is end with [Episode] 19, which is a really strong, fun episode, and then come back and have prom as our season premiere next season'. " DON'T MISS... Riverdale season 4 finale: How was Riverdale series 4 supposed to end? [ANALYSIS] Camila Mendes net worth: How much is Riverdale star worth? [INSIGHT] Cole Sprouse net worth: How much is Jughead Jones star worth? [INSIGHT] He added: "So we made that decision, and I'm feeling good about it. " Due to the uncertainty caused by COVID-19, it's unknown when filming will be resuming on Riverdale.

Riverdale episode 20 season 3

Need to catch up? Check out our previous Riverdale recap here. Yes, Riverdale still does normal high school things like the prom… but no, that doesn't mean the body count takes the night off. Betty rushes to the scene of her father Hal's supposedly fatal accident, and she can't believe — like we can't — that he's really dead. She worries that the Black Hood is back on the loose, but F. P. reassures her that they've found all the bodies, and they just need to be identified. Meanwhile, Jughead is still on the Gargoyle King case, and finds the King's secret "gospel" stashed in an old school bus abandoned by Kurtz's goons. But Cheryl tells them to drop all that depressing stuff: Junior prom is coming up! Betty asks Jughead to be her date, and she does get some closure when the coroner tells her they identified Hal's DNA in a hand found at the accident. So maybe they can just forget about all that and dance the night away? Well, maybe not. Kurtz's autopsy reveals he had a ritualistic back tattoo matching the symbols carved into Dilton and Ben Button, and the local tattoo artist remembers doing a tattoo like that a year ago for another guy: sandy hair, blue eyes, "weirdly magnetic. "

"Not gonna happen, " she declares, and walks out to find the Gargoyle King waiting. She confronts him, demanding to know who he is and pointing a gun at him (! ), when she's tackled… by the Black Hood! He's back, and sporting a sharp hook where his missing hand used to be. He chases Betty through the halls, and she stumbles over more than one dead body along the way, before he vanishes into the night, leaving Betty a blubbering mess. So the Black Hood is back, and the Gargoyle King is still out there. That's two killers at large, possibly even working together, as Betty points out. She knows she's not safe, and she thinks Alice might be next, since Hal knows she's marrying Edgar and handing over the twins. Edgar, magnanimous as always, offers to take Betty in and protect her… and Betty's so desperate, she actually says yes. Welcome to The Farm! PUNCH-DRUNK LOVE? | Archie's mom Mary is back in town — hi, Molly Ringwald! — but she doesn't love the idea of Archie taking up boxing. ("I won't support you getting pummeled, " she tells her son, which is understandable.