L Escale Streaming

Sunday, 21 February 2021

I just have to say that I'm so impressed with Tubbo's character arc thus far. He's been a major character for the entire storyline, sure, but the audience and even he knew that his place in the narrative was to be Tommy's sidekick and right hand man. With these past few streams, however, you can really see how much he's grown. He stands up for himself, doesn't let people talk or walk over him anymore, and isn't afraid to have an opinion. Contrary to popular belief, I don't think he's becoming corrupt. People are just shocked to see that Tubbo, the most easy-going character on the server, has a voice and is more confident that he will be heard when using it because of his position as President of L'Manburg. The only way that I could see his character becoming corrupt is if he began to prioritize his emotions over rationality. It's evident that he's under a lot of stress in his battle to have a just mindset for his nation and simultaneously keep his best friend happy. His plan to fake Tommy's exile is a prime example of a possible beginning of corruption because he's letting his feelings get in the way of logic.

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This is called dupes. The dupe mechanic is meant both as a anti-frustration feature for pulling another copy of something you already own as well as a further incentive to pull more to power up your characters. The second monetization usage this game uses is the stamina feature, This is most obvious in the form of Resin, though other forms exist such as time gating. This strategy places an artificial limit on the amount of direct progression can be taken in a single play session. Players can use gacha currency to expand this limitation temporarily (through purchasing resin) but it soon gets prohibitively expensive for all but the most hardened spenders. Here I want to stress that this mechanic, while frustrating, is essential for the continued operation of a gacha game. Without artificial limitations on progression most of the players that do not play casually (spending or not) would blow through most of the content available in a gacha within a matter of days. This limitation serves to keep players interested as well as keeping the gap between players relatively close together in the terms of progression.

5. 0 out the door and into your hands. Right now, we are heads down on Hunting Grounds and all of our effort is going into making sure it's the best it can possibly be at launch. Future Reddit posts will dig much deeper into the above topics, but for now, let's focus on what we're currently working on. Hunting Grounds and Playtests On a high level, here is what patch 1. 0 will launch with in December: New Hunt Type: Hunting Grounds (which will replace Patrols and Pursuits) 17 reworked islands for Hunting Grounds 1 brand-new island for Hunting Grounds Gliders Island Events Slayer's Path progression system Weapon XP and power surge system You may notice that this doesn't include a new Escalation. We plan to get this body of work out first, then deliver a new Escalation in a future update. The goal right now is to make sure that Dauntless Reforged launches in a polished state. We see Hunting Grounds and the 1. 0 patch as a foundation and a container for future content -- think new Behemoths, islands, events, etc.

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It's really helping us develop this new and exciting hunt type. Hunting Grounds represents our best thinking over the past year, and we're currently heads down on tuning this all up to get it out the door in December in our 1. 0 patch. These tests have just shown a small portion of what will be in Dauntless Reforged, and we can't wait to get further feedback on our progression changes. The next State of Dauntless post will be about progression and solo queues since these are both hot topics right now. Until then, happy hunting and clear skies!

Who lost their life and valuable items just to be the helping hand? Tubbo. On the interpersonal level, Tubbo has always done more for Tommy. The one time Tubbo has something important to him, Tommy couldn't step up to the plate. BONUS: "Mhm... the one thing you care about. " – Now THIS is probably my favorite line. After Tommy emphasizes his priority as only his discs, Tubbo echoes his words with hurt presumably because either (a) Tommy didn't consider his best friend as a priority or (b) he doesn't find Tubbo's L'Manburg important enough. Also, it should be noted that Tubbo isn't a very emotional character; it's not often that we see him get obviously upset over personal matters because like I said, he's very easy-going. I just wanted to add this quote in because it seemed like Tommy struck a nerve and I thought the exchange between their characters was both intense and very interesting. I have no clue about what direction his character will take next, but it would be great to see a continuation of Tubbo using his voice.

State of Dauntless #1 | Playtesting : dauntless

So I don't need to beat a dead horse here; we're all sick of the ads amazon/twitch is pushing, and the constant attempts to get past ad blockers. They're even pushing notifications that you're using 3rd party tools, that could easily escalate into them making it so you cannot watch a stream if you are using an ad blocker full stop. This behaviour has made it harder and harder to grow organically on twitch as a smaller streamer. I've been averaging the same viewer count for about a month with barely 2 or 3 follows, instead of 1~2 per day ever since the twitch ads got bad most recently. The only people (well, 95% or so) that watch me are the audience I've already built up. Every single time someone asks "How do I grow on Twitch? " the answer is to grow off platform on social media, and especially grow on YouTube and try to convince your viewers to watch you on Twitch instead/as well. So here's my question... If I'm going to put focus on YouTube growth in order to try and grow my Twitch channel, should I just livestream on YouTube instead?

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Everyone has artists/public figures they don't like, but we aren't spending time planning on how to get hate comments about them everywhere online. It's just so frustrating. ATEEZ is on fire right now, they won awards at MAMA, they won at immortal songs, they are going to be back there soon and on Kingdom and a new drama, they are going to be bigger than ever and I really hope that the number of good fans highly outweighs the number of bad fans in this process. That's all you guys, if I find some of the ss/posts I'll link it in the comments. If there's something you think that might help, please comment it here so everyone can do that. There are already people on insta talking about bringing it up to KQ's attention but I doubt there's anything they can really do. If you watch any of the V-Lives then report the spam users I guess. And also stream inception.

I'm so mad at myself, because I knew it was going to end badly from the very beginning, especially when I'm still so emotional after having the baby. But I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, and hope he had changed. I'm just so mad at myself.

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Expect that we'll share more on this, and seek feedback, in the near future. Meta The cells we introduced to challenge the low-life meta (e. g. Tenacious) are just the first step toward shifting the current meta. Increasing the number of viable builds for end-game players is an important part of Dauntless' future, as is further adjustments to the war pike (e. through tuning the Wound mechanic). Bottom line: We're taking steps to ensure that a single build or weapon class does not dominate the meta. Trials We know that Trials needs more love, and we plan on returning to this hunt type in early 2021. We're currently heads-down on other features, but once Hunting Grounds and our new progression systems have launched, we plan on giving Trials the attention it deserves. As we mentioned in the Power Creep section, we're currently working on a solution to the Escalation power spillover that's been impacting Trial times. I want to reiterate this important part: We are aware of these points of friction, and we plan to revisit them once we get 1.

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Orks also gain access to greater technologies, including planet-killing gravitic weapons, attack-moon and attack-planet megastructures, and teleportation gateways for mass movement of fleets. In the era that humanity has been in the stars, orks haven't ever advanced beyond this state. The Great Crusade likely triggered the emergence of the Beast state, since the Imperium at its height presented a galaxy-wide threat to the orks. With the defeat of the Beasts, the orks regressed to tier 2. It's possible they never advanced further because, at that point, the gravely wounded Imperium no longer represented a genuine extinction-level threat to the ork species, and hasn't since. In the current state of the galaxy the orks may be advancing to the Beast state, with the emergence of Ghazghull Mag Uruk Thraka being the strongest indication, since his name translates as "I am the Great Beast of Slaughter, " a phrase the Beast Warbosses frequently uttered during their previous emergence. Presumably, if the Beast state isn't enough to overcome an enemy that continued to present a major threat, the orks would again respond reflexively by advancing further.